News & Articles

Eviction Moratorium (9/3/2021 by Elizabeth P. Wang, Esq. )
On September 2, 2021, New York State passed a Bill to extend the eviction moratorium (expired on August 31, 2021) to January 15, 2022. The Bill differs from the previous one on eviction moratorium: in addition to protection for tenants against evictions, it affords landlords an opportunity to contest tenants’ Covid-19 related hardship allegations.
In doing so, NY legislators comply with the U. S. Supreme Court ruling on August 12, 2021 that NY eviction moratorium was in violation of due process principles, because tenants could self-certify they suffer Covid-19 related hardship without any challenge of such claims from landlords.
How does this new extension of eviction moratorium affect pending or new eviction cases in NY courts for landlords and tenants? For further analysis, it is advisable to consult with your real estate attorneys.

Do Not Resuscitate Tattoo (6/17/2018 by Elizabeth P. Wang)

This story reported in NEJM in Nov. 2017 raised an interesting question: Should a doctor save a patient with "Do Not Resuscitate" tattooed on his chest?

DNR (Do Not Resuscitate order) laws vary from state to state. With a valid DNR, doctors are legally obligated to honor patients' decision to forgo life-sustaining treatments. Tattoos may reflect the end-of-life wishes of the patient, are not legally binding and caused an ethical dilemma for doctors in this unusual case.